Christmas, New Year and big important birthdays done, it’s time to hunker down in the solace of the plant world again. The clutch of paperwhites in the kitchen bay window catch my eye, finally planted in pots outside some time in early December – having already sprouted in the bag (an illustration of how busy the pre-Christmas period can be) – and now brought in to straighten out and hopefully shoot up.
I rummage in my basket of half empty seed packets and delivery notes to remember which types I ordered: Narcissus ‘Erlicheer’ and Narcissus papyraceus ‘Ziva’, both suitable for forcing. The former promises double frilly blooms of ivory and primrose; the latter is more like a miniature, multi-headed pure white daffodil with tiny orange stamens in their midst.
Despite quite literally throwing them into soil in a panic and covering them in moss in their already-shooting state, the move indoors where it’s currently quite warm has already got them growing in the right direction. The wonders of phototropism played out before my eyes. Now the tallest shoots are around 4–5cm tall, I’m hoping for some scented loveliness in around 4–6 weeks. Will start collecting fallen twigs to help prop up their weighty heads.
Despite aiming for a festive bloom, it’s all worked out as it should in the end: February is looking brighter already.