Following on from yesterday’s journeys, today has been all about making progress. Having written the presentation for the book I’m now working on, near three years ago, I’m now headfirst into a mountain of research (a lovely mountain I might add, I love a bit of research) in order to ensure that the concept and the content is up to date. The premise is on personal planting but the other angle is a heavy slant towards indoor gardening so I want to get the balance between houseplants, foliage, flowers, herbs and edibles just right.
I think there’s been a shift from the notion of ‘house’ plants with much more of a merger between outside and in. There’s more that can be grown inside than people realise and in the same vein, some houseplants also function well on a verandah, balcony or semi-sheltered space. This is also how many people are utilising their homes these days, encouraging as much nature as possible into the space they’ve got – for style, as a feel good factor, as therapy, as escapism and as produce. Make sure the plants that you choose suit your lifestyle and your environment and they will also hopefully survive.
I’ve definitely learned this lesson the hard way especially on the houseplant front. I’ve either chosen the wrong plant for my home or a particular room or aspect or I just don’t have the time to look after it. When our renovations are finished (soon I hope!) I’m looking forward to really planning what goes where and tending it hopefully with some help from the kids. I’ll also be setting up special areas for harvesting and drying herbs.
As I write the heavens just opened and there’s only an hour until it’s time to pick up the kids again so with all this in mind, it’s back to my plant list and the next bit of progress: the flat plan edit.